Major concepts of OOPS are:
1. Class
2. Objects
3. Polymorphism
4. Inheritance
5. Abstraction
6. Encapsulation( multi-methods, in which case the state is kept separate)
7. Constuctor
9.Dynamic dispatch – when a method is invoked on an object, the object itself determines what code gets executed by looking up the method at run time in a table associated with the object.
11.Open recursion – a special variable (syntactically it may be a keyword), usually called this or self, that allows a method body to invoke another method body of the same object.
12.Decoupling-careful controls that separate code modules from particular use cases, which increases code re-usability.
Major concepts of OOPS are:
1) Class
2) Objects
3) Polymorphism( function overloading, operator overloading)
4) Inheritance
5) Abstraction
6) Encapsulation
7) Constuctor
8) Destructor
Major concepts of OOPS are:
1. Class
2. Objects
3. Polymorphism
4. Inheritance
5. Abstraction
6. Encapsulation( multi-methods, in which case the state is kept separate)
7. Constuctor
9.Dynamic dispatch – when a method is invoked on an object, the object itself determines what code gets executed by looking up the method at run time in a table associated with the object.
11.Open recursion – a special variable (syntactically it may be a keyword), usually called this or self, that allows a method body to invoke another method body of the same object.
12.Decoupling-careful controls that separate code modules from particular use cases, which increases code re-usability.
7.Message passing
8.Static binding
9.Dynamic binding
12.Exception handling
The major concept of OOPS are:
*Data abstraction and encapsulation
*Dynamic Binding
*Message passing