How types of sorting is available ?
On: November 7, 2012 Posted in Uncategorized Comments: 5 Views: 43 Datastructure How types of sorting is available ? General knowledge Questions
8 types of sorting are available. They are:
1) Insertion sort
2) Bubble sort
3) Shell sort
4) Heap sort
5) Radix sort
6) Merge sort
7) Quick sort
8) External sort( Multiphase, Polyphase)
There are 13 sorts available.They are
1)Bubble sort
2)Selection sort
3)Insertion sort
4)Shell sort
5)Comb sort
6)Merge sort
7)Heap sort
8)Quick sort
9)Counting sort
10)Bucket sort
11)Radix sort
12)Distribution sort
Bubble sort
Selection sort
Insertion sort
Shell sort
Comb sort
Merge sort
Heap sort
Quick sort
Counting sort
Bucket sort
Radix sort
Distribution sort
generally there are 5 types of sorting technique use in day to day life
Bubble sort
Insertion sort
Merge sort
Heap sort
Quick sort
1)Bubble sort
2)Selection sort
3)Insertion sort
4)Shell sort
5)Comb sort
6)Merge sort
7)Heap sort
8)Quick sort
9)Counting sort
10)Bucket sort
11)Radix sort
12)Distribution sort
13)Timsort these are under sorting types in DS