-Full form of LED- light emitting diode.
-LED’s are small in size, longer life, reliable and require little power.
-Here generation photon by spontaneous emittion.
-LED’s produce a divergent and incohrent light beam.
LASER Diode :
-Full form of LASER – light emplification by stimulated emmition of radiation.
-Laser’s are bigger in size, longer life, less reliable and require more power then LED.
-Here generating photon by stimulated emittion.
-Laser produce q monochromatic and coherent light beam.
light is used in LED and laser beam is used in LASER
And wave length of LASER is higher than LED
but cost of LASER is higher than LED
so LASER is best but better to use LED
laser is better because it can travel much longer distance than LED
LASER is mostly used for medical purpose.LED is used to manufacture lighting electronic products.
LED Diode :
-Full form of LED- light emitting diode.
-LED’s are small in size, longer life, reliable and require little power.
-Here generation photon by spontaneous emittion.
-LED’s produce a divergent and incohrent light beam.
LASER Diode :
-Full form of LASER – light emplification by stimulated emmition of radiation.
-Laser’s are bigger in size, longer life, less reliable and require more power then LED.
-Here generating photon by stimulated emittion.
-Laser produce q monochromatic and coherent light beam.