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School Name: rajiv international school
Location: NH #2, Mathura - Delhi Road, P.O. Chhatikara, 281001, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: n/a
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Rajiv International School

Firm belief in 'human values' is the main source of our inspiration which gives us strength, courage, conviction and commitment on a continuous basis. We cherish the ethos of Discipline, Decency and Decorum through emotional, social, intellectual and physical learning. In RIS, innovation is defined as the translation of knowledge. RIS strives to develop its students into a balanced human being and
train them into talented and budding professionals with intense focus on technological advancement and career grooming. The approach of the school is to carve out a positive personality among its students as needed for being successful leaders, managers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
Accordingly, the curriculum has a strong international perspective, prepares students to manage, lead and succeed in the increasingly competitive global, business environment.

School level

Pre Primary Schools



School type

Private/ Public Schools

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