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School Name: panigram high school
Location: School Chowk, Panigram, Mathabhanga- 736146 , 0, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India
Phone: n/a
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Panigram High School

panigram high school imparts high level of education and mannerism. the students are well known for there achievements. The Principal objective of the school has always been a synthesis of modern knowledge and technology with ancient heritage and culture, a blend of ideals of Arya Samaj with modern positivistic paradigm and a combination of spiritual insight and universal values with a global outlook. It is founded on the premises that 'Every child is unique and has the potential to rise to limitless heights' and that 'No child should be left behind'. Nurtured and moulded this way the child is sure to be a responsible citizen of the country and a human being endowed with qualities of head and heart.

School level

Sr. Secondary School


State Board

School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video