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School Name: modern public school
Location: Caster's Town B.Deoghar Deoghar , 814112, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India
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Modern Public School

 Modern School is synonomous with quality education and is a pioneer in mooting all-round development and to foster an all-round growth in its wards. This prestigious temple of education was established in 1920 in a building located in Daryaganj, New Delhi. This precinct found itself embedded in a sprawling mansion that belonged to Lala Sultan Singh. His philanthropic gesture was a result of his son’s vision of an institution par excellence which would be a jugalbandhi of traditional Indian system of education and modern educational techniques.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School Video

 All students of class 5th of R.S.Junior Modern School, Humayun Road, New Delhi (the junior wing of our school) routinely get admitted in class 6th in our school. Apart from this, we admit students in classes from 6th to 9th and 11th depending on the number of vacancies available.

Classes 6th to 9th 
For getting admission in classes from 6th to 9th the applicants should apply in the last week of February through an application addressed to the Principal, clearly mentioning whether the admission is sought as a DAY SCHOLAR or BOARDER, with details of the child’s academic performance and his/her achievements in the field of sports and co-curricular activities. A copy of result of the previous class must be attached.

An entrance examination is conducted normally in the second or third week of March and the candidates are tested in the subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Hindi. Although the date and time of the examination can be checked from the school’s reception over phone, it is suggested to come personally and ensure that your child’s name appears in the list of registered candidates for examination, put up at the gates. The candidates who qualify the written examination are called for an interview and they must be accompanied by both the parents. The list for the selected candidates for admission is put up at the reception/gates and the parents are advised to pay the fee and complete the admission formalities by a given date. The information will be available on our school’s website as well.

Class 11th
For getting admission in class 11, the applicants should apply immediately after the class 10th results for the CBSE/ISCE are declared. The applicants should fill the application form available at school’s reception, mentioning whether the admission is sought as a DAY SCHOLAR or BOARDER, with details of the stream required i.e. science, commerce or humanities, with the subject combinations, and must attach his/her class 10th mark sheet/print out of his/her result available at the CBSE’s site, duly attested by the principle. After scrutiny of applications, list of short listed candidates is is put up at the school’s reception/gates, informing the date and time of interviews and the candidate must attend the interview along with both the parents.

The list of selected candidates for admission is put up at the reception/gates and the parents are advised to complete the admission formalities and pay fees by a given date. This information will be available on our school’s website as well.

  Junior Library

Modern School has always laid great emphasis on inculcating the habit of reading in its students, right from the beginning. It has 2 Libraries, one for the seniors (S-4 - S-7) and one for the juniors (S-1 - S-3). The Junior Library is well-stocked with lots of books on all subjects ranging from dinosaurs to the Famous Five and the maths puzzles to the Amar Chitra Kathas. Each student is allowed to issue one book at a time, for a maximum period of 14 days.
Mrs. Madhulika is the responsible librarian of the Junior Library, and she takes great pleasure and pride in helping the children to choose the right books for themselves. For the children’s benefit, the Library also subscribes to children’s magazines such as Champak, Children’s Digest, and Junior Science Refresher. 
Therefore, the Junior Library helps to feed the eager minds of the young students, by giving them the right medium for knowledge and awareness, in the form of exciting and informative books and magazines.
Pleasure of reading best expressed through this picture
Students hunting for their favourite books
Students attending an interactive literary learning session
Lala Pratap Singh Library
The Lala Pratap Singh Library, situated in the Platinum Jubilee Block in the school, has been instrumental in acquainting the students with facets of literature and knowledge. The Annual Book Week is organized every year by the Library, with the aim of engaging the students in order to enhance their linguistic abilities through a series of planned activities.
The Library also serves as a source of information for students seeking admissions abroad. The objective of the Library staff, headed by the competent Ms. Sangeeta Narula, has always been to inculcate and enhance reading habits among the students.
Interior of the Library
Interior of the Library
Ms. Sangeeta Narula (Librarian)
Ms. Sangeeta Narula (Librarian)
Performing the uphill task of keeping 2500 students healthy and on the go is the Sanatorium of the school. Centrally located in the Main Block, it is easily accessible to all students. It is fully-equipped with 3 beds, oxygen cylinders and a wheel chair. It also conducts regular dental and ENT check-ups. The doctor in-charge, Dr. Vandana, joined the school in the year 2000.
Interior of the Sanatorium
 Chart of Students requiring immediate medical attention
The state-of-the-art canteen of the school is managed by the retail food chain Fast Trax. The canteen serves wraps, sandwiches and refreshing ‘nimbu pani’; nutritious and delicious all the same.
Forever bustling with students, the cafeteria has a lively décor and plays popular music. Responsibility is not forgotten with fun. Waste lanes are placed at proper locations around the canteen, to minimize littering.
Inauguration by Mr. Ashok Pratap Singh
The hustle and bustle at the Canteen
The hustle and bustle at the Canteen
The CD Library
The Modern School CD library is an amalgamation of technology and education. It caters to the needs of students from classes S1 to S7. Students can choose any CD that they want from the huge collection which covers wide-ranging topics from Bike-Racing Video Games to Human Physiology; from the era of Akbar to the latest Harry Potter flick; from Tom and Jerry to Calculus and Permutations-Combinations. CDs are issued for a maximum period of 5 days and the membership fee for one academic year is Rs. 600. Ms. Farah Khan, the teacher in-charge, says that the CD Library also offers Multimedia Encyclopedias such as the Britannica, which may not be available to the students otherwise. At present, over 200 students of all classes are availing the benefits of the CD Library.
The librarian seated in the CD library
Children looking for CDs in the library
CDs stacked neatly in the library


Overlooking the lush green sports field and the Olympic size swimming pool in the Golden Jubilee - a home away from home. The students are under the guidance of a house master. who helps them in their all - round development. The double - storeyed building has 31 rooms, a common room and a library, with the latest magazines and newspaper. The staff quarters and sanatorium are close at hand, to give the hostel boys a securely home atmosphere. Delicious and wholesome meals are prepared and served in extremely hygienic surroundings. Hostel Recreation includes all facilities available in the school, including a T.v room. Supervised studies are conducted daily in a arganised manner. The students have access to internet. The hostel remain closed in summer vacations, which begins in may and continue till the end of June, winter vacations during December and the autumn break in mid- October. The students are allowed to go to their local guardians on weekends. Students are also taken to theaters, exhibition, films and other events in delhi. Excursions and field trips are arranged from time to time.