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School Name: little angel high school
Location: Vijaya Lakshmi Puram 1st Lane BAPATLA , 522101, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: 08643-222793 , 08643-225748
Email: n/a
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Little Angel High School


  It is a town first school in BAPATLA. It is 3rd recognised by Goverment of A.P.


School was started in the year 1980. Mr. T.V.K. Tirumalacharuyulu acted as principal then. It is the second school in Jaggayyapet at that time.

The school has grown immensely in strength since then and today, it has about 10,000 boys and girls from diverse backgrounds on its rolls. It boasts an excellent library, well-equipped computer laboratories, carpentry and book-binding workshops, and numerous sports facilities.

Since its inception in 1980, The school celebrates its Annual Day every year in the month of February.


School level

High School



School type

International Schools

School Video

the School has been incorporated in the year 1997 with classes from LKG to 8th standard and gradually has developed up to 10th class. The school has earned good will in the town by achieving good positions in state held public examinations for the classes Xth and VIIth for almost all in all the years since its inception.

he batch 2006 the students scored above 500 marks are 30 students out of 68 CH.V.S.SRAVANKUMAR scores first with 575 marks,K.PREM KUMAR 570 marks,G.P & R.V 555 marks.they took the prestage of our school to the state level. They are called the "DIAMONDS OF LITTLE

he prefectorial system is a distinctive tradition of the school. A select body of students is invested with defined powers and privileges. The prefects serve to provide inspiration to the student body, and endeavour to lead it into realms of achievements.The head of the student body is the Head Boy. The post of Head Boy in School is one that is highly regarded throughout the school. These students are chosen not only based on their academic and leadership skills, but also for their sense of integrity and honour. Elections will be held every year in the month July.