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School Name: jawahar navodaya vidyalaya
Location: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Station Road, Shyampur Distt. Sehore M.P.-466651, 466651, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Phone: 07562-260244, 07562-260245

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya


The campus of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is well equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, rich library, state-of-the-art computer labs, science labs and play ground.

jawahar navodaya vidyalaya located in sehore,is established with a vision of providing quality education to students.the svhool is affiliated to CBSE.

JNV is dedicated to provide world class educational fecilities to the students and offers education from class ensure the complete development of the children,JNV encourages the students to take part in co-curricular activities like sports,dance,arts and music.


School level

High School



School type

Navodaya Vidyalaya
Government Schools

School Video


the school follows NCERT syllabus under CBSE Board.the admission to the schools is done through an entrance test conducted by CBSE,and more than 75% seats are reserved for SC/ST and girl students


JNV are co-educational resedential schools run by navodaya vidyalaya samiti,new delhi under the agesis of ministry of HRD,government of india.

its aim is to provide quality education to talented children of rural areas and provides free education,boarding,lodging,uniform,and statinary to the students.

the campus of JNV is well euiped with modern facilities with well ventilated glass,rich library,science labs and playground.
  • Computers have been introduced  in schools to create computer culture for young school goers and to help children understand the technology in a study period of 3-4 years
  • To familiarize students with the range of computer applications for human activities and give an understanding of computer potential and information processing.
  • To encourage teachers to use the technology in a creative way
  • To provide hands-on experience to help students
  • To enable children to get training covering a minimum of 75% of all contents prescribed by DOEACC for ‘O’ level examination.
  • To use IT in services provided to the children.