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School Name: gyanodaya SMVM HR SEC SCHOOL
Location: GURUKUL CAMPUS KHURAI SAGAR MP, Pincode: 470117 , 470117, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
Phone: 07581 240835, 07581-240239
Email: n/a
website: n/a
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Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School located in Sagar Sagar , is established with a vision of providing quality education to students. The school is English medium Boys school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School is dedicated to provide world class educational facilities to the students and offers education from classes Nursery - Class X . To ensure the complete development of the children,

School level

High School



School Video

In ganodaya Smvm Hr Sec School the criteria for admisson is result of previous class, migration certificate, transfer certificate

Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School encourages the students to take part in various co-curricular activities held in school such as music, dance, arts and sports. The campus of Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School is well equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, rich library, state-of-the-art computer labs, science labs and play ground.

Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School provides a wonderful infrastructure to meet the aim of imparting the education. school have well furnished class rooms, computer room as well as toilets . The campus of Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School is well equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, rich library, state-of-the-art computer labs, science labs and play ground.