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School Name: dav public school
Location: Plot No. 11, Sector 10, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, 400708, 400708, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone: n/a

Dav Public School

The school has been striving for the past decade aiming to bring about a holistic development in its pupils and emphasis is on “learning by doing”, with learner as the centre of the teaching programme.


The Teaching Polices


·        Providing opportunities to the learner for interaction.

·        Activity based teaching – learning process.

·        Catering to the individual needs and interests of students

·        Providing a platform to showcase individual talents.




Ø Balancing between scholastic and co-scholastic areas

Ø Involvement of the learner in the process of teaching – learning.


To achieve the above mentioned objectives the following steps are taken:


§  A well developed infrastructure to provide facilities of sports (indoor as well as outdoor), activities like yoga, gymnastics, karate and laboratories (of science, computer, math, language), a well equipped library.


§  Organizing inter-house competitions to foster personality development and communication skills.


§  Celebrating “Weeks” (like languages, Science & technology, performing arts, social science,sports etc). During these weeks students are involved in activities like debates, poetry composition, quizzes, model making, dance, singing etc.  Attempt is made to encourage every student to take part in at least one activity.


§  Motivating students to participate in competitive examinations like Olympiads.


§  Celebrating Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual day and other festivals to create respect and love for their country, culture and school.


§  Selecting the members of “Students Council” in the democratic way of voting, personal interviews etc. to foster leadership and citizenship qualities.


§  Organizing visits to planetarium, science centers, places of historical significance, theatres etc.


§  Organizing guest talks and workshops on various scholastics subjects as well as life skills.


§  Providing counselling facilities to foster mental and emotional health of the students.


§  Preparing creative work sheets to encourage a  child’s application skills & creativity.


Assessment Policies:-


§  Allotting weightage to internal assessment.

§  Internal assessment includes Projects, communication skills, Home assignments etc (20%).


§  Giving weightage to all the term-end examinations (40% to I term & 60% to II term) to facilitate continuous evaluation.


§  Taking the average of class tests conducted throughout the year.


§  Reflecting the child’s achievement profile in the report card.


§  Summarizing the child’s values, attitudes and personality traits in the report card.


§  A record of child’s library habits.


§  Conducting remedial sessions in areas of weakness.

School level

High School

School Video

Registration Form and Prospectus

Registration Form & Prospectus shall be issued on request by paying Rs. 600/- on Fee Counter. However, the receipt of Registration Form doesn't guarantee admission.


Submission of Registration Form for Class XI(Timing :  9:00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.)

Documents required along with duly filled registration form within 3 days of the issue of Registration Form are:


1.     Attested copy of CCE Certificate for School Based Evaluation

2.     Recommendation of Aptitude and Interest Test

3.     One Recent Passport Size Photograph


Please note that incomplete / illegible registration forms without the above mentioned documents shall not be accepted.


Admission Criteria for Std XI

Admission shall strictly be on Merit. However, admission shall primarily be subjected to the availability of seats.


Selection for candidates shall be made on the basis of :

1.     SGAI Score / result of aptitude & interest test

2.     CCE grade-point in scholastic area, Co-Scholastic Area, Life skills and sports

3.     Child’s Interaction on dates given at the time of submission of registration form.


List of selected candidates shall be put on school notice board on the dates specified . Students opted for School Based Assessment shall be given preference.


Payment of Admission Fees & Other Details

The detail of fees to be paid has been put up at the Fee Counter.

Fees are to be paid by crossed Pay Order / Demand Draft only in favor of D.A.V. PUBLIC SCHOOL, AIROLI at the fees counter.


Any failure to pay the fees by due date shall automatically cancel the admission. No request regarding submission of fees after due date shall be entertained.


Providing opportunities to the learner for interaction.

·        Activity based teaching – learning process.

·        Catering to the individual needs and interests of students

·        Providing a platform to showcase individual talents.


o achieve the above mentioned objectives the following steps are taken:


§  A well developed infrastructure to provide facilities of sports (indoor as well as outdoor), activities like yoga, gymnastics, karate and laboratories (of science, computer, math, language), a well equipped library.


§  Organizing inter-house competitions to foster personality development and communication skills.


§  Celebrating “Weeks” (like languages, Science & technology, performing arts, social science,sports etc). During these weeks students are involved in activities like debates, poetry composition, quizzes, model making, dance, singing etc.  Attempt is made to encourage every student to take part in at least one activity.


§  Motivating students to participate in competitive examinations like Olympiads.


§  Celebrating Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual day and other festivals to create respect and love for their country, culture and school.


§  Selecting the members of “Students Council” in the democratic way of voting, personal interviews etc. to foster leadership and citizenship qualities.


§  Organizing visits to planetarium, science centers, places of historical significance, theatres etc.


§  Organizing guest talks and workshops on various scholastics subjects as well as life skills.


§  Providing counselling facilities to foster mental and emotional health of the students.


§  Preparing creative work sheets to encourage a  child’s application skills & creativity.