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School Name: childrens academy
Location: Meerpur Aira Road Lakhimpur Kheri - 262701 Uttar Pradesh, 262701, Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: 05872-320487, 05872-320488

Childrens Academy

 Children's Academy stands on the firm foundation of academic excellence. A team of dedicated and well qualified teachers make efforts to enhance the intellectual capabilities of all the students and their efforts are reflected in the SSC results posted year after year.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School Video


According to government regulations no child below 5 years is admitted to standard one. Proof of the age must be supplied. Those above the average age of the class may not be admitted.
Pupils who come from recognized schools are required to bring Leaving Certificate from the last school they have attended. When admitted, pupils have to pay the entrance fee equivalent to a month's fee of the class into which he/she is admitted, along with school fee of the particular month and term fees.
On admission parents/guardians will be supplied with the school handbook, which prescribes rules of discipline.
A candidate who joins fresh from home or from a private school has to produce an official birth certificate such as Municipal or Baptismal Certificate in support of the date of birth entered in the admission form.
One calendar month's notice is to be given before the withdrawal of the pupils or school fees till the month of application will be charged.




3.library labs 

5.physics and chemistry labs

 1.big building

2.large and airy rooms

3.various department like library sport ,science ,art
