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School Name: army school
Location: KORE GAON SAGAR CANTT MADHYA PRADESH, SAGAR CANT, SAGAR, 470001, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
Phone: n/a
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Army School

Army school situated in m.p , situated in very fine location having very well infrastructure as well as the full dedication in axchieving their goal of imparting best student to students.

currently urmil sodhi, principle of school who is taking care ..

ARMY SCHOOL in SAGAR serves till grade XII. This school is ENGLISH medium and Day school and affiliated to CBSE.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School Video

admisson criteria for army school is deciplined as well as good mannered student having good knowledge of previous class as well as good english.

activities held in school such as music, dance, arts and sports. The campus of Gyanodaya Smvm Hr Sec School is well equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, rich library, state-of-the-art computer labs, science labs and play ground.


The campus of Army school is well equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, rich library, state-of-the-art computer labs, science labs and play ground.