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School Name: akshat international school
Location: Lalpur,Nagziri Dewas Road Ujjain, 456001, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India
Phone: 0734 - 25 25 0 28, 0734- 4040562

Akshat International School

this school helps in developing self-reliance and social responsibility and maintaining a positive outlook.. there is an active concern about an environment.

•Upholding what is true and just
•Respecting life and human values
•A capacity for critical thinking and solving problems.
•Creativity and Adaptability.
•A passion for excellence, healthy habits and intra and inter personal skills
•An active concern for the environment.
•Strong social and moral development.
•A sound character.
•Emotional maturity.
•An ability to lead in one’s vocation.
•The capability of learning for life.

School level

Middle School



School Video

under construction

liberary, medical facility,sports

The building of Akshat International is well equipped with high-tech facilities. On an average per student area in the class room is about 12sq.ft. Nursery play rooms, play ground, Physics, Chemistry, Bio, Maths and computer laboratories, well equipped library, auditorium smart class rooms equipped with audio visual aids are some of the features of the infrastructure of the school.