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School Name: V S K Duraiswamy Nadar Matriculation & Hr. Sec. School
Location: Badrakaliamman Kovil Street, Sivakasi - 626 123 Virudhu Nagar District, Tamil Nadu, India. , 0, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 04562 – 221173 , 04562 –226432
Email: n/a
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V S K Duraiswamy Nadar Matriculation & Hr. Sec. School

The VSK Duraiswamy Nadar English Matriculation and Hr Sec School was founded on the 13th of July, 1969 with six children. The founder Shri V.S.K Duraiswamy Nadar envisaged a school open to all girls, awarding scholarships to deserving girls from poor families, so as to make the school a public school in the true sense of the word.

The School is financed by a trust which was created by Late Shri.V.S.K.Duraiswamy Nadar during his life time. The A.S.K.R. Trust is self financing and has a regular income from its own investments. The trust is managed by the Board of Trustees which also manages the school. The school is also supported by V.S.K.Duraiswamy Nadar Trust.

Founder’s day, Sports Day, School Day are celebrated annually in the third week of January.

School level

High School


State Board

School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video