School Name: | Tuljai Shikshan Mandals High School Krishnapuri |
Location: | Krishnapuri (MIDC) Tal. Pachora, Dist. Jalgaon., 0, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | n/a |
Email: | n/a |
website: | n/a |
High School at Krishnapuri (MIDC) Serving Education for the students of Std. 5 to Std. 10.
Maximum Number of students studying at High School Krishnapuri (MIDC) are about 50 Students per Classroom.
Tuljai Shikshan Mandal established in 1998 at Pachora city. Our First School of Primary and Secondary was established in 1998 located at Krishnapuri, Pachora.
Institutions are working for particularly Below Poverty Children and poor Children in Rural Areas.
All the schools under Tuljai Shikshan Mandal are recognized by Maharashtra Government (India). This Institution is helpful for the people who come under the category of “Below Poverty Line” and the students of “Rural Circumstances”.
Tuljai Shikshan Mandal provides various Institutions in different levels. Our Institute provides education in Marathi Medium from Balwadi (Jr. K. G.) to 10th Standard with Niwasi Aashramshala for SC/ST Students.
High School
Government Schools