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School Name: The Cathedral Vidya School Residential Lonavala
Location: Village: Shilatne, P O: Karla, District Pune, Off. Old Mumbai-Pune Highway, Lonavala-410405, 410405, Lonavala, Maharashtra, India
Phone: 9899104337 , 02114-282693, 282113
website: n/a
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The Cathedral Vidya School Residential Lonavala

The Cathedral Vidya School has been set up in collaboration with The Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai, (estd. 1860), which is one of the most prestigious educational institutions in India.
The Cathedral School has nurtured minds as diverse as JRD Tata, Ratan Tata, Anand Mahindra, Salman Rushdie, Anita and Kiran Desai, Fareed Zakaria, Homi Jehangir Bhabha, Muhammad Ali Jinnah…………
Our School is a co-educational English-medium residential School.

School level

Middle School


Maharashtra Board

School type


School Video

The admission process is designed to enrol students with adequate academic ability and sound character. Entrance at all levels is conditional on the availability of seats, performance at the assessments, and interviews and track record.
Admission notices are published well in advance in leading dailies. Parents interested in enrolling their children in The Cathedral Vidya School, Lonavala, are required to first register them. Registration forms are available October onwards, or can be downloaded from the School website. Assessments for admission are held in Lonavala & Mumbai.

Administrative Building, Basketball and Tennis Courts,Computer Lab,footbal ground,Indoor Basketball Court,Library and Administration Building,School Building,Arts and Handloom Room,Classroom,Dining Room,Hostel Study Room,Internal Courtyard,Library,swimming pool.

Set against the scenic backdrop of the Sahyadri Hills, The Cathedral Vidya School, Lonavala, imparts a broad-based and holistic education in a pollution-free, 40 -acre campus. Its programmes have adapted the best of traditional schooling, marked by a strong academic core, to the needs of an increasingly technology-driven and quality-conscious society. The School’s fundamental values are hard work, discipline and simplicity. These values, practiced in a nurturing and supportive environment, are visible in every sphere of School life.