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School Name: The American Embassy School
Location: Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri, 110021, New Delhi, Delhi, India
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The American Embassy School

The American Embassy School is located in the heart of the diplomatic community of New Delhi. The School campus is spread over twelve acres. The buildings have been designed to blend into a small rocky hill which lends a friendly, informal atmosphere to the school. Housing facilities accommodate 34 faculty families on campus. While new elementary and middle school facilities were completed in 1999, the high school is currently being expanded to accommodate additional students. AES has a strong international character. Although about 35 per cent of our 1473 students in nursery to twelfth grade are Americans, the majority of our students represent some 53 nationalities. Children of embassy personnel, world organizations, non-governmental organization officials and international business people attend AES. We prize the diversity of cultures represented in our student body.

The school is governed by a seven member Board of Governors, elected by the parents and the faculty for a two year term. In addition to the seven elected members, the American Ambassador appoints two non-voting members to the Board. Teacher, student and parent representatives also attend Board of Governors meetings.

The American Embassy School of New Delhi does not discriminate among its students on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or gender.

School level

High School


International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSC)

School Video

The curriculum is that of general academic, college-preparatory school. The school's testing program includes the College Board and American College Testing tests. Instruction is inEnglish. French and Spanish are taught as foreign languages. English-as-a-Second-Language is offered for non-English-speaking students. The School also offers theInternational Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement programs. Most of the graduates go on to colleges and universities in the United States and other countries. The School is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

The school includes two libraries, one swimming pool (plus a diving pool and toddler pool), a physical education center, computer labs, playgrounds, tennis courts, soccer pitches, and a performing arts center (including a full sized auditorium). The school campus is spread over almost 13 acres.

The school is governed by a 11-member Board of Governors, elected for 2-year terms by the American Embassy School Association of New Delhi, the sponsor of the School. This group also aims to ensure that the school remains a part of the local community.