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School Name: St. Marys Convent
Location: Kollankodu, Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu, 629165, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: n/a

St. Marys Convent

St Mary’s High School, Nainital is a girls residential boarding and day School in kollankodu Tamilnadu, India providing public School education.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School Video

St. Mary’s Convent School being a Christian Institution, its first preference is for educating Christian (Catholic) girls; but admission to the School is open to all.

The admission process starts right from the month of March when the registration forms can be purchased from the School for Prep & 1st standard. The entrance test for these classes is held in late September or early October. The School session runs from March to November. 10th & 12th students sit for the ICSE & ISC Board Examination in March.

Basket Ball, athletics, Volleyball, table tennis and Badminton are the principal games. A wide range of cultural and co-curricular activities allow for the development of communication and inter-personal skills. Each and every student takes part in the annual sports function which generally takes place in the month of May.

There is acadmic block, an Experimental block has Motor mechanics, Open Air Theatre, Dance room and music rooms and the Senior Library. School has a large auditorium that can accommodate almost 1000 students.