School Name: | St Columbas School |
Location: | Sector 4, Gol Market, 110001, New Delhi, Delhi, India |
Phone: | 011 2336 3462 ‎ , (+91-11)-23363134 |
Email: | |
website: | |
St. Columba’s School, promotes the harmonious growth of the whole person – a synthesis of faith, life and culture. Established in 1941, SCS is perceived as the ideal school for nurturing young scholars. Set as a jewel and centrally placed in the city of New Delhi, it remains a monument to the educational zeal of the Christian Brothers.
rnSCS offers educational opportunity to boys from all communities, irrespective of caste, religion or social status. It prepares the students for life. Good close teaching helps them to discover and realize their own giftedness and personal dignity. Outreach programs help them raise their awareness of how fortunate they are and this assists them to get in touch with the gracious and providential God who is at work in their lives. By awakening a social conscience in each of them it is hoped that the desire in implanted in them to put something back into society.
rnSCS has a faculty of dedicated teachers who within each one's strength and limitation functions. The Christian Brothers, totally dedicate themselve's to the welfare of every student and for whom teaching is not a clinical exercise. They believe that all youth need is a supportive environment of good relationships based on trust, respect and empathy if they are to grow into responsible, honest, warm and caring adults.
The school has facilities for remedial and special education in the Junior and Middle wings, for those who are differently abled at they are permitted to function at their own pace – each one's curriculum is customised to suit his needs.
rnAt SCS there is an atmosphere of openness- in policies, in dialogue between the different levels working here and in attitudes. The direct approach of the Brothers with their willingness to immerse themselves in the lives of those in their charge using their unending drive and giving of their constant support is manifest even in the attitude of the teachers and students. The Columban family lives together in a working harmony, sharing a wider vision and expressing it in ways that are individual and life-giving.
Sr. Secondary School
Private/ Public Schools
The school has facilities for remedial and special education in the Junior and Middle wings, for those who are differently abled at they are permitted to function at their own pace – each one's curriculum is customised to suit his needs.
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Category: | CBSE Syllabus School |
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