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School Name: St Angela Sophia School
Location: Sanganeri GATE, Ghat GATE, Jaipur - 302003, Pincode: 3022003 , 0, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
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St Angela Sophia School

The intitution was originally established as a Boarding School In April 1911, in Ajmer, exclusivly to care for Christian Orphans. Named after the saint Angela of Merici, the saint who cared for poor orphans, the orphanage was transfered to Jaipur on 26 february, 1926. the intitution still exists and caters to poor, unpriviledged catholic children. in crouse of time, the day-school, now known as St Angela Sophia Sr. Secondry School was stared; the first day scholar was admitted in 1928. Since then, the intitution has opened its doors to children of all Creed.

The primary aim of the school is to impart all round education on the modern lines to indian girls so as to enable them to grow up into knowledgable, refined and responsible citizens. It is based on the principles of Character formation. The school aims to make its students open to growth and to become intellectually competent.

School level

Sr. Secondary School

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