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School Name: Sonamukhi B J High School
Location: Bankura - Sonamukhi, West Bengal, India, 0, Birbhum, West Bengal, India
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Sonamukhi B J High School


2.1     In the discharge of the responsibility entrusted to the committee we situated ourselves to understand fully the context in which the honourable court found it necessary to intervene and set up this committee to go into the details of the issue comprehensively and come up with suitable solutions. So we have divided our presentation in three parts:


·         The first part deals with the multiple contexts that obtain in Delhi, giving a brief background of the main issues involved in nursery admission. This part also contains the procedure adopted by the committee to collect feedback from different stakeholders.


·         The second part gives a brief outline of certain policy perspectives that have a bearing on the admission process


School level

High School



School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video


2.1     In the discharge of the responsibility entrusted to the committee we situated ourselves to understand fully the context in which the honourable court found it necessary to intervene and set up this committee to go into the details of the issue comprehensively and come up with suitable solutions. So we have divided our presentation in three parts:


·         The first part deals with the multiple contexts that obtain in Delhi, giving a brief background of the main issues involved in nursery admission. This part also contains the procedure adopted by the committee to collect feedback from different stakeholders.


·         The second part gives a brief outline of certain policy perspectives that have a bearing on the admission process. 



2.1     In the discharge of the responsibility entrusted to the committee we situated ourselves to understand fully the context in which the honourable court found it necessary to intervene and set up this committee to go into the details of the issue comprehensively and come up with suitable solutions. So we have divided our presentation in three parts:


·         The first part deals with the multiple contexts that obtain in Delhi, giving a brief background of the main issues involved in nursery admission. This part also contains the procedure adopted by the committee to collect feedback from different stakeholders.


·         The second part gives a brief outline of certain policy perspectives that have a bearing on the admission process. 



2.1     In the discharge of the responsibility entrusted to the committee we situated ourselves to understand fully the context in which the honourable court found it necessary to intervene and set up this committee to go into the details of the issue comprehensively and come up with suitable solutions. So we have divided our presentation in three parts:


·         The first part deals with the multiple contexts that obtain in Delhi, giving a brief background of the main issues involved in nursery admission. This part also contains the procedure adopted by the committee to collect feedback from different stakeholders.


·         The second part gives a brief outline of certain policy perspectives that have a bearing on the admission process.