School Name: | Smt. Vithabai Chavan Kanya Vidyalya |
Location: | Daund Sahar, Daund, Pune, Maharashtra, 413801, Pune, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | n/a |
Email: | n/a |
website: | n/a |
Smt. Vithabai Chavan Kanya Vidyalya is the seecondary school for girls. The school has an excellent past record in the teaching. The school offers classes for class 9 to class 12. It is one of the best school in Daund City of Pune District. The school has more than enough students as compared with others schools falling in the same category. The school has a strength of around 826 students with a teacher and students ratio of 1:37. The school offers all the subjects for class 9 and class 10 including the regional subjects. For class 12 students, the courses avaialbe here are Economics, History, Physical Education, Political Science and others.
Sr. Secondary School
State Board
The admission procedure is as per the rules and guidelines of the state government as well as the guidelines of the school management.
School has all sorts of facilities. Some of them are as follows-
Computer Lab
The school building has 13 large and spacious classrooms and a large playground. The school also have separate rooms for the indoor gaming and other extra curricular activies. Also there is extra power backup and is equipped with the basic requirements of the students.