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School Name: Seva Niketan Convent High School
Location: Gandhi Nagar Road Kopergaon Ahmednagar, 423601, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
Phone: n/a
Email: n/a
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Seva Niketan Convent High School

Seva Niketan Convent High School is one of the best high schools in Ahmednagar city of Maharashtra State. The school has a very good record in the field of result oriented education and is known for the excellence provided in the education system by the school management and teachers. The school is basically a Catholic School which aims at the thought, Education to all. The school follows the phenomenon of a co-education and work in the direction of education with more thann enough effort and hard work.

The school offeres excellent education with the support of their well experienced and friendly team of faculties and staff members. The child at this school get the complete exposure and governance for their mental as well as physical growth.

School level

High School

School type

Catholic Schools

School Video

Admissions are taken as per the guidelines of the school management under the provisions of the state government guidelines. Application forms need to be submitted by filling them completely at the school administration office.




Computer Lab


Extra-Curricular activities

Physical Training

and others

The infrastructure of the school is well maintained and is equipped with several facilities available at the major schools. The school has large playground and airy hall area. The classrooms are more spacious and airy to make the students relaxed and focus on their studies.