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School Name: Saint Pauls School
Location: Out Side Mewari Gate, Champa Nagar, Champa Nagar, Beawar, Rajasthan 305901 , 305901, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
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Saint Pauls School

 It is true that Education is the birth right of every child but we believe that it is the ‘Quality Education’ that matters. Setting new standards everyday for others to emulate is what we aspire to achieve.

Our philosophy values the uniqueness of every child & accordingly the objective is to help each one of them harness his/her true potential. The input rich communicational environment and state of the art facilities at DPS Dwarka nurtures creativity and critical thinking in each child. A variety of successful innovations exist in the school and the approaches and methods used reflect modern cognitive philosophy recognized world wide. Every child in DPS Dwarka receives special attention of teachers which truly inculcates confidence, self esteem & pride in each one of them. The school is a trendsetter in providing best education through latest educational aids and activities which give them an impetus to explore, learn and achieve. The learning process in our student friendly, child centered, inclusive school, helps them to chase their dreams and shapes them to be socially responsible, morally healthy and productive citizens of this world.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School type

Private/ Public Schools

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