School Name: | S J Vidyalaya |
Location: | Daund, Pune, Maharashtra-413801, 413801, Pune, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | n/a |
Email: | n/a |
website: | n/a |
S J Vidyalaya also known as the Sheth Jyotiprasad Vidyalaya is situated in the Daund of Pune District. The school was established in the year 1920. The school is co-educational institution and is successfully running as the senior secondary as well as high school. The school is basically a privately governed body with sufficient numebr of well experienced staff members. The school doesnot offer residential study. The school is known for the quality of education. The child at this school get the complete exposure and governance for their mental as well as physical growth. The school offeres excellent education with the support of their well experienced and friendly team of faculties. The school follow the state langauge as well as english as their primary way of communication and has a strength of around 1078.
Sr. Secondary School
State Board
The admissions in this school is taken as per the rules and regulations made by the state government as well as the norms of school management.
School has all sorts of facilities. Some of them are as follows-
Libraries with around 8000 books
Computer Lab
Indoor Gaming
and others
The infrastructure of the school is well maintained and is equipped with several latest faclities available at the major schools. The school has around 60 classroom with playground and airy hall area. The classrooms are more spacious and airy to make the students relaxed and focus on their studies.