School Name: | Rasbihari International School |
Location: | Vrindavan, Post Box No 618, Nashik Ozar Road, Panchavati, Nashik - 422003, Pincode: 422003, 422003, Nashik, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | 91)-9922401148, 9922951480 |
Email: | |
website: | |
There are 20 students in each classroom. The classrooms have Maths corner, Language corner, Creativity corner along with display boards for students' work. These corners help students to express their perspectives & creativity by displaying their understanding in various forms.
There are three spacious fully-equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology and a preparation room to prepare science experiments. The laboratories and the specialist teaching rooms for Art, Music are equipped in accordance with the specifications of national and international examination boards to congregate the curriculum demands and requirements for practicals which allows the students a complete hands on experience in these learning areas.
IT Centre
Students are exposed to modern technology right from Nursery to develop their IT skills through their school years. IT is used as a tool, which is an integral part of learning at RIS and is integrated with the curriculum which enables & encourages students to use technology effectively and enjoy it in their daily learning.
Audio Visual Room
A special room with good acoustics equipped with a SMART electronic teaching board and latest audio visual equipment is provided for viewing films, listening to audio tapes, and making presentations. This room is used by students, staff & parents for presentations, professional development programmes and meetings.
Educational Resource Centre
A well equipped library is central to each student's academic progress which supports teaching & learning in the classrooms & provides informative resources like books, DVDs, Music CDs & computers. In addition, students have access to periodicals and audio-visual resources & the Internet. Students are encouraged to take books to read for pleasure or for research whenever they want to. A love & zeal for reading is encouraged through weekly library sessions and interactive reading classes. The Educational Resource Centre also supports the archiving of the school's various learning resources and records. The primary job of the Educational Resource Manager is to develop and sustain a reading culture in the school. She organises various projects & exhibitions for students to exhibit their literary skills. Library events give parents a chance to interact with other students and also access the knowledge pool.
Learning Support Centre
Our Learning Support Centre team comprises of teachers, a clinical psychologist and a visiting faculty (a speech therapist), who collaborate closely with the mainstream teachers. Children with diverse needs are provided with special education services through the school day. Students with specific learning challenges are offered support for specific curriculum based remedial follow up, for example: spelling, reading, arithmetic and comprehension. Some children follow an adapted curriculum formulated according to their own capabilities. Students who have difficulty with speech, language and communication follow an intensive speech therapy programme, whilst those with motor and movement difficulties are recommended to visit specialists. The Learning Support Centre Team also conducts sessions to facilitate teachers, parents, children and support staff becoming more sensitive to these children.
High School
International Baccalaureate (IB)
International Schools
Eligibility Criteria | |
The school provides equal opportunity in admissions with regard to race, gender, ethnic origin, or religion. The school selects parents whose thinking aligns with the school’s philosophy. Rasbihari International School believes that parents can support their child's learning by-
Maintaining regular contact with the school. | |
Sharing books with the child, reading to and with him/her. | |
Encouraging the child to ask questions and helping him/her to seek the answers.
Regularly attending curriculum information sessions and parent/ teacher conferences at school.
Encouraging the child to attain the attributes of the learner's profile and praising their attempts to do so.
Showing a positive attitude towards learning and modelling the learner profile and characteristics yourself - in other words being a role model for your child.
IBO Workshops conducted in India and abroad. | |
Continuous in-school workshops. | |
Horizontal and vertical collaborative meetings. | |
Weekly interactions with the PYP Coordinator and the Principal. | |
Learning support centre training.
Leadership training. | |
Sexual health awareness training for teachers to support students emotionally for their adolescent issues and concerns.
English language training (ESL support). |
Rasbihari International School, founded by the Shriman Kisanlalji Sarda Trust in the year 1994, is spread across a sprawling 5-acre campus on the Nashik-Ozar Road, about six kms from the city.
With a single-minded focus to provide world-class educational standard, RIS endeavours to help students shine globally by inculcating a lifelong learning process. The school strives to make learning exciting and enriching through the fundamentals of life.
We have a diverse and stimulating environment based on trust and respect where open mindedness and interdependence help us achieve synergy. We seek to teach and learn through wide range of curriculum, sports, arts and activities that challenge, engage and are significant and relevant to each learner whichever nationality, religion or strata of the society he/she belongs to. We strive to build confident principle centered reflective internationally minded citizens who recognize their potentials and contribute to the society.