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School Name: Radha Bal Mandir Vidyalaya Samiti
Location: Radha Bal Mandir Vidyalaya Samiti,pipar city, 342601, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Phone: n/a
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Radha Bal Mandir Vidyalaya Samiti

RBMVS is a Non-Government, Non-Political, Non Communal and Non- Profitable voluntary organization engaged in social & college work since 1982. We are independent of the government and have no political or religious affiliations. RBMVS works for the upliftment of the oppressed and the marginalized in urban and rural areas. Based in Pipar City district Jodhpur (Rajasthan). It is also managing Senior School with Arts, Science & Commerce Faculty and B.Ed. College.

School level

High School


State Board

School type

Government Schools

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