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School Name: North Point school
Location: TUIKUAL SOUTH, CHANMARI, 796001, Aizawl, Mizoram, India
Phone: n/a
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North Point School

North Point school is the institute situated in the Aizawl who distributing the child education to develop the skills and enhance the talent of the students.


School level




School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video

 The admission Criterai for this institute is to child attain the 3+ years and also require some more thing such as

Age proof certificate
Filling application form
Transfer Certificate etc.

 This School offers thevarious educational facilities which are required to the students and teachers.This school provides the top class of feculties to train the students and professionals so that they can achiev their goail in life.

This School is a perfect blend of nature and modern development. Apart from well-maintained roads and lawns, the two recreation parks, a football field, and a basketball court caters to the development of children through sports and games.

 This institute provide the best Building infrastructure, Class Library where all the books are available for the students.

This school offers the playground for the entertainment of the childrens
And it provides all the educational field infrastructure.