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School Name: Montfort Yercaud- Best Residential School
Location: Yercaud Hill Station, Salem, Tamil Nadu. Anglo Indian School at Tamil Nadu, India., 0, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
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Montfort Yercaud- Best Residential School

This prayer is the essence of our educational objectives-to lead the children from darkness to light
Montfort has been performing such a stupendous task ever since the beginning of the 19th century. In the New Millennium, as a "School of Excellence", it has further qualified - its beliefs in the philosophy of quality education. Hence in Montfort, we do not stop with the amount of information that is imparted to each child, but take it further to focus on man-making, life building, character formation and spiritual growth. In other words, the ultimate end of our "Labour " is "Virtue"

Montfort Anglo-Indian Higher Secondary School is a residential institution with a glorious history dating back to 1st June 1917. The history of Montfort is in essence a history of ideas, visions and hard work of its pioneers, Bro. Omer (Director), Bro. Henry Gabriel and Bro. Stanislaus. As Bro. Omer had to join the armed forces in France, Bro.Eugene replaced him and served Montfort for more than 30 years. "Bro. Eugene Memorial" is an eternal tribute and remembrance to Montfort's 'Man of Destiny'.

Initially, it was a European school founded during the First World War. Beginning with George Spitteler, the first student to be registered in Montfort on 1.6.1917, every Montfortian continues to build its glorious history. The period between 1936 and 1942 were the glorious years in the history of Montfort. It was during this period that the school chapel was built and consecrated.

In 1975, 'Mayfield' was purchased and the present buildings were put up to start the Higher Secondary Classes. Presently it houses the junior school from Stds III to VII. Montfort has produced numerous personalities in all walks of life.


School level

High School

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