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School Name: Mangal Newton School
Location: 5th Milestone, Ajmer Road, Beawar-305901 (Rajasthan), 305901, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Phone: n/a
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Mangal Newton School

Mangal Newton School is an initiative that embodies Newton’s spirit of innovation and the Mangal Group’s ideology of bringing excellence to education and other areas of development. While academic excellence across curricula resides at the centre of the school life, every student is groomed to have intellectual dexterity, independent thinking, unflagging curiosity and social responsibility.

At Mangal Newton School we believe that children are bundles of joy and eager to learn and keen to impress. Each of them is unique. A “GENIUS” in their own right. This Genius is what we try to develop in each child. We take them as an individual, keeping in mind that there is one thing in them, which is unique. This makes them different, which gives them their Genius.

Built in 11 acres of limitless possibilities, Mangal Newton School has the facility of day boarding including kindergarten classes that are fully air conditioned. And when it comes to co-curricular activity we have options galore for your child. From sports, dance, music, art and craft Mangal Newton School has it all, making sure your child gets the option of his or her choice.

 With an experienced and learned faculty from both India and abroad we are striving towards building “International minds” with “Indian Values”.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video

Admission Procedure:
1. Registration of student in the desired Grade
2. Observation according the to Grade applied for
3. Admission Confirmation: Based On Observation & Vacancy in desired Grade .

To discover the “GENIUS” in our children, they need to be nurtured in a favorable environment, which provides them with opportunities to discover the strengths and helps them overcome their weaknesses.

Therefore, each classroom will have no more than 35 students. In addition there’s a range of facilities to support child growth

1)     Spacious, well ventilated, well lit classrooms
2)     New generation computer lab
3)     Generously stocked library
4)     Technology enabled classrooms for better learning
5)     Audio- Visual Room
6)     Resource center for teachers to update their knowledge
7)     English & Math lab
8)     Art and Craft work areas
9)     Music and Dance room
10)  Composite play field
11)  Cafeteria
12)  Modern Separate Science Labs
13)  Basketball Court

The entire school is networked through computers for interaction between management, teachers and students.

Therefore, each classroom will have no more than 35 students. In addition there’s a range of facilities to support child growth

1)     Spacious, well ventilated, well lit classrooms
2)     New generation computer lab
3)     Generously stocked library
4)     Technology enabled classrooms for better learning
5)     Audio- Visual Room
6)     Resource center for teachers to update their knowledge
7)     English & Math lab
8)     Art and Craft work areas
9)     Music and Dance room
10)  Composite play field
11)  Cafeteria
12)  Modern Separate Science Labs
13)  Basketball Court

The entire school is networked through computers for interaction between management, teachers and students.