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School Name: Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalay Samner
Location: AT POST SAMNER TAL PACHORA DIST JALGAON, 424201, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Phone: 9561378776, 09922947804
Email: n/a
website: n/a
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Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalay Samner

the school is started from JUNE 1957. it is the oldest school of the city.Hindi medimum are used there.

School level

Sr. Secondary School


Maharashtra Board

School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video

there are no criteria for admission but school take a entence test when student get admission

there are following facilites are provided:-

1.. school bus

2. Extra classes

3. Singing & dancing classes

4. Scorlarship for poor student

the school have a bid building. there are 3 floor building present.

In wchich there are 100 rooms are presented. Many lab are there