School Name: | Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalay Samner |
Location: | AT POST SAMNER TAL PACHORA DIST JALGAON, 424201, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India |
Phone: | 9561378776, 09922947804 |
Email: | n/a |
website: | n/a |
the school is started from JUNE 1957. it is the oldest school of the city.Hindi medimum are used there.
Sr. Secondary School
Maharashtra Board
Private/ Public Schools
there are no criteria for admission but school take a entence test when student get admission
there are following facilites are provided:-
1.. school bus
2. Extra classes
3. Singing & dancing classes
4. Scorlarship for poor student
the school have a bid building. there are 3 floor building present.
In wchich there are 100 rooms are presented. Many lab are there