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School Name: Kotecha Girls High School
Location: Kotacha Nagar Kalawad Road, 0, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Phone: n/a
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Kotecha Girls High School

ajkot is a city in the state Gujarat. Rajkot Schools are an integral part of the education system. There are a number of Schools in the city Rajkot and most of them educate the students from class 1 to class 12. Like the other cities of Gujarat, Rajkot schools also follow a curriculum and exam schedule prescribed by the GSHEB, that is, Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board. It is this state owned Board of Education. That regulates the different happenings and education procedures at the Rajkot schools. There are a number of Rajkot schools and many of them are a pride of Gujarat, Rajkot is a city in Gujarat state. It is located in the middle of the peninsula of Kathiyawad. The town is bisected by the Aji River. It’s most notable institution is Rajkumar College, which was founded in 1870 for the education of the sons of local chiefs and princes, and was modeled by its founder, Col. R. H. Keatinge, on Eton College. Mahatma Gandhi was educated in Rajkot at the Alfred High School(founded in 1875). 

School level

High School

School type

Government Schools

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