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School Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya School
Location: KENDRIYAVIDYALAYA,CECRI CAMPUS, KARAIKUDI,, 630006, Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: n/a

Kendriya Vidyalaya School

Kendriya Vidyalaya, CECRI Campus , Karaikudi made her humble beginning on 17th August, 1976, as a branch Vidyalaya of Kendriya Vidyalaya , Madurai with a population of 94 students. The Vidyalaya attained the independent status and started the classes upto VI with strength of 163 students. She had been growing steadily in her staggering strides, amidst many-sided difficulties and shortcomings and rose to the position of a full pledged Kendriya Vidyalaya of classes upto X in the year 1981- 82 and XII class(Science Stream) in the year of 2007-2008. She had steadily grown over the years and it became 3 sections school and her population reached 912 in the academic year 1995-96. It was possible in no small measures by the kind patronage of CECRI and the keen interest evinced by the Directors who happened to be the Chairman of the Vidyalaya Management Committee. Central Electro Chemical Research Institute being the sponsoring authority had committed to run the vidyalaya with all amenities, equipments, play fields and such other vidyalaya needs while the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi bear the responsibility of providing the teaching personal and the Pay and allowances to the staff.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



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