School Name: | Kendriya Vidyalaya Khagaria |
Location: | Kendriya Vidyalaya Khagaria Shyam Lal Nagar,Behind Koshi Colllege, 851205, Khagaria, Bihar, India |
Phone: | 06244 226482,223407, +919304490788 |
Email: | |
website: | |
Kendriya Vidyalaya Khagaria is a well established school in shyam lal nagar in the district of Khagaria,Bihar . It is a CBSE BOARD based school from Ist to XIIth .It was established in 1994 and the principal of school is S.A ZAMIN . Each class in the school is consists of two sections upto class IXth and only one section from IX th to XIIth .
In XIth and XIIth the schhol is having three streams science atrs and commerce.
the schhol consits of 80 students in each classs and 40 each in every stream of XIth and XII th.
School has its own big library ,computer lab and games room so that students cannot feel any type of problems.
Sr. Secondary School
The admission criteria is that the student's parents should be of civil/defence service.
1.Central Govt. employee.
The students should be of 5 yrs on 31th march for admission in class Ist.
In XIth the admission is based on marks obtained bye the student in Xth BOARD exams.
Class I - 82 vacancy
Class IV - 04 vacancy
Facilities of the school --
Class romm - 26
Science Lab - 03
Jr. Science Lab -01
Computer Lab - 01
Library - 01
Activity room -01
Game room -01
Staff Commen room - 01
Biotecnology Lab - 01
The school provides facilties of NCC and Scout anjd guide. Time to Time regional level games and co-curricular activies are held that students can build themself on a good platforms in all fields.
Its has a good strenth of well educated teachers that helps the students to do good at their studeis.
Its has a good building consists of 26 class rooms , computer lab ,library and games room.
its has a vey big playground that help students to play games and enjoy at lunch time.