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School Name: Kendriya Vidyalaya Kailashahar
Location: Kendriya Vidyalaya Kailashahar, Gobindapur, Kailashahar Unakoti, Tripura- 799277, India, 0, North Tripura, Tripura, India
Phone: 03824-222596, 03824-223399

Kendriya Vidyalaya Kailashahar

kv are the best schools in india.........

School level

Sr. Secondary School

School Video

written entrance exam for addmition..............

(E) Facilities available including games and sports facilities:-

As the Vidyalaya is functioning in a temporary structure provided by the State Government, only limited facilities are available presently. A small playground is there where students can play Volley ball, Football, Cricket, Kho- Kho and badminton.

For conducting annual sports etc the nearby College play ground is utilized from time to time. The local Town Hall is also hired to conduct Annual Day every year.

well devoloped infrastructure ............