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School Name: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
Location: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kyarakoppa Road, Dharwad - 580 007, 580, Dharward, Karnataka, India
Phone: 0836-2778326 , 0836-24720651

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya located in Dharwad , is established with a vision of providing quality education to students. The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is dedicated to provide world class educational facilities to the students and offers education from classes Nursery - Class X . To ensure the complete development of the children, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya encourages the students to take part in various co-curricular activities held in school such as music, dance, arts and sports. The campus of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is well equipped with the modern infrastructural facilities such as spacious ventilated class rooms with the latest teaching aids, rich library, state-of-the-art computer labs, science labs and play ground.

School level

High School


Karnataka Board

School type

Kendriya Vidyalaya

School Video

Admissions to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas take place on the basis of a selection test designed and conducted by the CBSE. The test , called the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas Selection Test (JNVST) is of nonverbal nature, class neutral and so designed as to ensure that talented children from the rural areas are able to compete without facing any disadvantages. Because of the poor communication facilities in rural areas special care is taken .to ensure that children from far flung rural areas get admission forms free of cost without any problem. Sufficient publicity is done through Doordarshan, All India Radio, local newspapers, pamphlets, visits of Principals and teachers of Navodaya Vidyalayas to the local schools of the district. As a result rural areas are becoming aware of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme.  Children are also being admitted against the vacant seats in class IX and in class XI also through regional level examination/marks in the previous  qualifying  examination.  Education in Navodaya Vidyalayas is free of cost.  So far 493 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are in operation covering all States/Union Territories  excepting the State of Tamil Nadu.  A total of 75% of seats are reserved for rural children and a minimum of 33%  of seats are reserved for girls.  SC/STs also have due reservations  of 15% x7½% respectively.  The Scheme envisages establishment of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, one in each district of the country.

Till 1998, the Jawahar  Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) was conducted by the National Council of  Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The medium of the test is in 20 Indian languages and is largely non-verbal and objective in nature and is so designed that talented children from rural areas are able to compete without suffering a disadvantage. All the children who have studied in and passed from Class V from any recognized school  of that district and are between 9 to 13 years of age are eligible to appear JNVST for Class VI.

As per the Scheme, a maximum of 80 students can be admitted in Class VI per year in a JNV. However, in view of shortage of accommodation in some Vidyalaya, it is restricted to 40

Eligibility Conditions:-   

 To appear at the Selection Test, a candidate has to fulfill the following eligibility conditions

   1.A candidate appearing for the Selection Test must be studying in Class V in a Government/Government-Aided or other recognized school or schools under Schemes of "Sarav Shiksa Abhiyan" or 'B' certificate competency course of National Institute of Open Schooling in the same district where he/she is seeking admission in the just preceding academic session for which Selection Test is conducted. Actual admission in Class VI in the session is, however, subject to the condition of having passed Class V before admission
   2.A candidate seeking admission must be between the age group 9-13 years on 1st May of the year of admission for which the Selection Test is conducted. This applies to all categories of candidates including those who belong to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
   3.A candidate claiming admission from rural quota must have studied and passed class III, IV & V from Government/Government Aided/recognised schools located in Rural area in the preceding three continuous academic sessions for which the Selection Test is conducted spending one full academic session in each class without any repetition of class, gap and/or break in.
   4.A candidate who is not promoted to Class V before November of the preceding academic year for which. the test is conducted is not eligible to apply.
   5.No candidate is allowed to appear in the selection test, for the second time under any circumstances.
   6.A candidate seeking admission under the rural quota must have studied and passed class III, IV & V from Government/Government Aided/recognized school(s) located in the rural areas.
The above conditions are applicable to all the candidates irrespective to their caste or gender.


      At least 75% of the seats in a district are filled by candidates selected from rural areas and remaining seats are filled from the urban areas of the district. A candidate who has studied in a school located in an urban area, even for a part of session in any of the classes III, IV, and V or passes any one or more of these classes from such a school as above is considered as an urban candidate. Urban areas are those which are so defined in the 1991 census or in subsequent  Government notification. All other areas are considered rural.

      Reservation of seats in favour of children belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is provided in proportion to their population in the concerned district provided that no district, such reservation will be less than the national average (15%   for SC and 7.5% for ST ) but subject to maximum of 50% for both the categories ( SC & ST ) taken together. These reservations are interchangeable and over and above the candidates selected under open merit.

Efforts are made to ensure that one-third of the total seats are filled up by girls.
This school offers facilities like library, laboratories, well ventilated classrooms & a play area.


The administrative cum academic block is the nerve center of the school, the offices of the Principal, Vice Principal are located in this building. It also has Office, Class rooms, Computer Lab, Examination room, well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Bio - technology, Social Science resource room, a well stocked Library,  Sports and games room, Central Store Room. The Multipurpose Hall (Auditorium) is also located in the Administrative Block.


Library is the source of intellectual strength of the modern world and window to peep through at the world affairs. Library caters to the needs of all students and staff. To activate and create interest among the students to read more and more and spend their leisure hours in some constructive and creative works the following programmes are chalked out.

  • Celebration of World Book day and arranging Guest Lecturers.

  • Celebration of National Book Week conducting various programmes and exhibition and inviting local scholars to deliver speeches on various topics.

Statistics related to JNV Dharwad Library ( As per 2009 records) Total Books in Library : Kannada - 1694, English -- 3329, Hindi - 1329, Total - 6402. Our vidyalaya library is arranged systematically. Its has separate almirah corresponding to the particular sections like Kannada, Hindi etc. Regularly many magazines are made available to the students like Biology Today, GK Today and many more. Daily many national and local newspapers are made available for students and teachers.


A well decorated multipurpose hall is built in the academic block where the morning assembly, CCA competitions, cultural competitions, house nights and other major extra curricular activities of the Vidyalaya are conducted . Programmes like seminar, observation of the important days and festivals are also held in this hall.


In academic Block there is laboratory block which contains Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Bio technology Laboratories. Each laboratory is well equipped and well maintained.  Description of each laboratory is given in separate section.

PHYSICS Laboratory

CHEMISTRY Laboratory

BIOLOGY Laboratory







Staff Quarters:

Being Residential School , all the Teaching and Non teaching Staff are provided with Residential accommodation. The Residential Quarters include  Principal Quarter,  Type III quarter, Type II and Type 1 quarters.

Students House System 

The house system in Navodaya Vidyalayas is the key to understand its Residential culture. It not only holds it together but also keeps it ticking. Every Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Family i.e. Students and teachers are grouped into 4 houses. Each house has its distinct name, a particular colour for its flag, Badge, T �shirt etc. The 4 houses in every Navodaya Vidyalaya are: Aravali, Neelagiri, Shiwalik and Udayagiri. The houses have been named after the mountains because they are stable part of our hoary history and their impact on our lives through out our history has been tremendous. The 4 mountains that lend their names to the houses in each Navodaya Vidyalaya represent the 4 major reasons of our country. The Aravalis represent the WEST, the Neelagiris, the SOUTH, the Shivaliks, the NORTH and the Udayagiris, the EAST. Together they represent a strong, stable and unified India being shaped on a Navodaya Vidyalaya campus.

The house system stripes to achieve certain goals by providing a secure and affectionate social environment with which one can easily identify oneself and take pride as its recognized member. It has been planned to fulfill all the deficiency needs of every student. Participation in various House and Intra House activity fields provides satisfaction to all students and the feeling of having done their job well fulfills their esteem needs. It also provides rich first-hand experience for developing once communication skills, interaction skills and it provides valuable lessons in social learning.

Every student in Navodaya Vidyalaya becomes a member of particular house when he/she joins the school and leaves it only after the completion of ones school education. The house system makes a Navodaya Vidyalaya a natural extension of home for each student. The ready guidance and welfare-oriented concern of the House Masters provides an ambience that promotes development senior students play the role of Elder siblings and junior student look up to them for help and guidance. This provides a Home environment, softens the initial shock of separation from once natural family such an environment helps students to get over homesickness.

In every Navodaya Vidyalaya there are 4 junior houses and 4 senior houses for Boys and one senior and one junior house for Girls. The junior house consists of students of classes VI to VIII while the senior houses consists of students of classes IX to XII. The average strength of a house is about 40. The girls in Navodaya Vidyalaya are also placed under two houses viz; the Junior House and Senior House. For effective management and supervision, both these houses are further divided into 4 groups and each group of girls of the junior house is linked with a junior boys house. Similarly each group of girls of senior house joins the corresponding senior boys house.

Each house has a House Captain, a House Vice Captain and two Prefects. For effective management of the Vidyalaya, in consultation with the House Masters, one School captain, one school Vice Captain (Boy) and one School Vice Captain (Girl) are appointed.



Apart from Academic and other activities, the Vidyalaya has the responsibility of managing the mess to cater the needs of all the students. Vidyalaya is having 3 well maintained Dining Halls .One for Senior boys, one for Junior Boys and other for girls. Each hall can accommodate a minimum of 120 students. Separate dining hall helps to provide dining facilities to all the students at a time. A well established Kitchen and store room are also attached to the boys' dining hall. There is a Mess committee, which manages the procurement, preparation and distribution of food. The Mess committee constitutes catering assistant, staff nurse, Housemasters and Students representatives under the chairmanship of the principal. Monthly Mess Meetings are convened to prepare the Menu and analyzes the monthly expenditure. A well-balanced and nutritious food is provided to the children. Seasonal fruits are also given. The major purchases are done through the quotation or Govt. organizations.



Play Ground Facility:

Vidyalaya has three well developed play grounds. One ground is having a well developed and well maintained 400m track. One ground is near boys dormitory other near girls dormitory. Annual inter house games and sports are regularly conducted in the Sports and Games time every evening. Regular training for the students is given by the PETs during regular Sports and Games time.

Vidyalaya also has good facility related to indoor games. It has four table tennis tables, one badminton court and sufficient stock for Carom and Chess.

Vidyalaya also has Judo Beds. Regularly students are trained by PET on JUDO skills. Students have excelled and showed their talent at the national level.

Conduction of Cultural Activities

On regular basis each house is assigned a routine of arranging a cultural evening every evening. Also many inter house competitions are conducted, providing a chance to show their talent in co - curricular activities and refresh their mind.

Television Facility

Vidyalaya also has 5 television sets. Each mess has one TV each, one in MP Hall and One in Girls Dormitory. Weekly for limited hours students are allowed to watch TV. This helps students for refreshing their mind and relieve them from pressure of academics  etc.






PHYSICS Laboratory

CHEMISTRY Laboratory

BIOLOGY Laboratory








Staff Quarters

Students House System 



Play Ground Facility:

Conduction of Cultural Activities

Television Facility