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School Name: Jawahar Navodaya VIdyalaya
Location: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalay Milki Rashulpur, Post- Pakari Buzurg Distt.- Kushinagar (U.P.), 274304, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: 0941-5312694, 05564-217039
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Jawahar Navodaya VIdyalaya


Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, is a fully residential, co-educational school affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and has classes from VI to XII standard. This Vidyalaya is run by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, New Delhi, an autonomous organization under the Department of Education and Literacy, Ministry of H.R.D., Government of India.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School Video

 enterance test in 6th class... conducted by nvs 

80 student are selected from distict

 1. Free Boarding and Lodging.
2. Free education in pollution free atmosphere.
3. Free books, stationeries, uniforms and daily use items.
4. Science and commerce streams at +1 and +2 levels.
5. Well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.     
6. Fully equipped computer lab. with 36 no. of  PCs, LCD projector and  LAN with broad band internet facilities through V-SAT.
7. Rich library with sufficient no. of books, periodicals and news papers.
8. Well managed playground with facilities for various games and sports.
9. Well equipped M.I. room to provide first aid to sick students.
10. Galaxy of learned teachers to provide quality teaching and guidance.
11. Well equipped mess with a dining hall to cater over 500 students.
12. Power back up facilities to hostels through generator.



  1. Free Boarding and Lodging.
2. Free education in pollution free atmosphere.
3. Free books, stationeries, uniforms and daily use items.
4. Science and commerce streams at +1 and +2 levels.
5. Well equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.     
6. Fully equipped computer lab. with 36 no. of  PCs, LCD projector and  LAN with broad band internet facilities through V-SAT.
7. Rich library with sufficient no. of books, periodicals and news papers.
8. Well managed playground with facilities for various games and sports.
9. Well equipped M.I. room to provide first aid to sick students.
10. Galaxy of learned teachers to provide quality teaching and guidance.
11. Well equipped mess with a dining hall to cater over 500 students.
12. Power back up facilities to hostels through generator.