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School Name: Jan Nayak Karpuri Thakur Inter School
Location: Jan Nayak Thakur Inter School Rahimpur Dakshin, 581204, Khagaria, Bihar, India
Phone: NIL, NIL
Email: NIL
website: NIL

Jan Nayak Karpuri Thakur Inter School

Jan Nayak Karpuri thakur Inter School is located at Rahimpur Dakshin, Khagaria Bihar.

It is a net level school means its is upto 12th.

On net there is not much information about the school but the school is named after karpuri thakur who was a well known politician from Bihar . he was popularly known as JAN NAYAK .

the school is based on BIHAR BOARD and the school is a private school and having a good no of students.

A very good team of highly educated teachers are there in the school.


School level

Sr. Secondary School


State Board

School Video

  • Students for class Ist should be at least of 5 yrs.
  • Anyone can take admission .
  • There is a written test for admission in each class.
  • Based on writeen test students get admission in the school. 




* There is not much information about the school on net but as much as possible each and every information is given .

  • School is having well maintained classrooms for each class .
  • Each class is having sections.
  • School is having a well established Libray.
  • Computer room is there for students so that they can learn computer knowledge.
  • Labs are there for students to get good knowledge of theory and practicals.

Well eastablished classrooms and a very good playground for students.

Labs and computer rooms are there for the students.

Fans and proper lighting facilities are there for each class that no problems should be faced bye the students.