School Name: | Govt Sr ec School Lohara |
Location: | Govt. Sr. Sec. School - Lohara Teh. - Amb, Distt - Una, Himachal Pradesh, India, 0, Una, Himachal Pradesh, India |
Phone: | n/a |
Email: | n/a |
website: | |
The Govt. Senior Secondary School - Lohara is at 48 Km from the District Headquater of Una. The Block/ Teh. Headquater is about 9 Km and Sub-Post Office is about 8 Km from it
The school started functioning as Govt. Primary School in 1921. It was upgraded to Middle School in 1960 and was further upgraded to High School in April 1965. The school achieved the the status of Govt. Sr. Sec. Sch. in 1994. Science group (Medical & Non - Medical) and Humanity are fuctioning in the school.
The Information & Communication Technology Labs. were eastablished and start functioning in 2011.
The total strenght of the students in the campus is about 360
The school is the first Govt.School in Himachal Pradesh , which got itself online by the permission from Deptt. of Higher Education.
Sr. Secondary School
State Board
Government Schools