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School Name: Government School For Deaf & Dumb
Location: Bhakthi Vilas, jagathy, Thiruvananthapuram, 0, Meyyattinkara, Kerala, India
Phone: n/a
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Government School For Deaf & Dumb

The first deaf school established in the United States was a short-lived school established by William Bolling near Petersburg, Virginia in March 1815, which closed in the fall of 1816.[1]

During the winter of 1818-1819, the American School for the Deaf became the first school of primary and secondary education to receive aid from the federal government when it was granted a tract of land in the Alabama Territory.[2][3] As a result of its pivotal role in American deaf history, it also hosts a museum containing numerous rare and old items. While it is situated on a 54-acre (220,000 m2) campus, the ASD has a small enrollment — in its history, the ASD has graduated approximately 4000 graduates.[4]

School level

Middle School


Kerala Board

School type

Government Schools

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