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School Name: Eurokids
Location: 14/1, Luxmi Road, Near Dena Bank, Dalanwala, 0, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Phone: 9935061515, 9935071515
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 Euro kids is a preschool that was started in the year 2001Eurokids is the only play school that works towards exploring the inner potential of the child and create a sense of uniqueness in each child. The main aim is to increase the curiosity level of the kids and help them in achieving the desired skill with fun and learning. Eurokids has the most innovative teaching methodology for the kids and work across India towards the development of the child career.At Eurokids not only the child but the parents are also actively involved in the education process.They inform the parents about the day to day activities of the school through newsletters, which helps the parents in getting the clear picture of their child’s learning in the school.

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School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video

In  Euro kids the children of age group 3 to 4.5 can take the admissions. The admission is thus followed by small oral test of the child and a talk with their parents. The admission is mainly done in the month of may to july .Parents can collect the admission form from the school itself and then an appropriate date is decided for the test. Admissions are done on first come first serve basis. 

 Euro kids is that school which ensures right amount of learning through fun with a smile on the face of every child. The school is the combination of pantry, Library, Eurogym and pool for the kids so that they can enjoy as well. The extra curricular activities are based on the culture and ethics of India. They promote learning through music, art, drama, dance ,discover centers, field trips, outdoor play and adventure. They also provide day care and crèche facility for kids. The health , welfare and safety are taken care by the center. A trained staff is there to take care of the child which also gives secure feeling to the parents.There are also dance classes, colouring classes and large number of toys and swings for the kids all built with safety.

 Since a preschool is the child’s second home, therefore Eurokids aims at providing comfort level to the child. The interiors are designed in such a way that it creates a cheerful ambience for the child. There are colourful walls, seats etc. to make sure that the child is happy all over. The child feels as comfortable as in home. At Eurokids they believe that the child understand best in visual manner and hence there are projectors so that they can be taught with fun.