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School Name: Durga Higher Secondary School
Location: Kanhangad P.O, 671315, Kasargod, Kerala, India
Phone: n/a
Email: n/a
website: n/a

Durga Higher Secondary School


The school was established in the year 1948 and is one of the most famous schools in Kasaragod.


District.It is 1.5 km from the old Kanhangad Bus Stand. When travelling by bus, get down at Kailas Theatre Bus stop and proceed eastwards along the sub road (0.5 km) and the road ends at the school.
Students are admitted from the 5th standard and goes up to the 12th standard.

School level

Sr. Secondary School


Kerala Board

School Video


Students are admitted from the 5th standard and goes up to the 12th standard. Admission to the 5th standard can be had in English, Malayalam or Kannada Medium. Intake for Malayalam medium is the highest, followed by English and then Kannada.