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School Name: DPS school digboi
Location: Delhi Public School, IOCL Township, Golai No.2, Digboi, Tinsukia, Assam, PIN: 786171, 0, Tinsukia, Assam, India
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DPS School Digboi

 Delhi Public School, Digboi was established on June 17th in the year 1996. It is surrounded with a scenic and decent environment for studying. It is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE)

Digboi, which is the oldest Oil Field in India is at a distance of 14kms from Margherita which is the nearest town and 22kms from Duliajan. There are several buses and cabs that travel to and fro to the school from the nearby areas of Duliajan, Tinsukia, Naharkatiya, Namrup, Margherita, Ledo etc. 

The academic courses are divided primarily into 4 categories: Primary School(Nursery to class 5), Middle School(Class 6 to 8), Senior School(Class 9 & 10) and Senior Secondary School(for the Higher Secondary students). The students are divided into 6 Houses and they all take part in numerous extra-curricular activities. The houses are: Brahmaputra, Ganges, Chenab, Jhelum, Jamuna and Ravi.

The academic session starts from April for the Primary and the Middle School(upto Class 9) Students, while it starts from March for the Class 10 and 12 students; and from July for the Class 11 students.

There are various Facilities that are offered in the school to enhance the intellectual of the students like: 
Hostels(150 seats for Boys and 70 seats for Girls)
Library and Reading rooms,
Multi-purpose hall
Open Air Theater
Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories
Computer laboratories,
Language laboratories, 
Mathematics laboratory with surround audio visual facilities,
Jamborees, Carnivals and different Fairs and Exhibitions
Sports Facilities(like: Athletics, Basketball, Football, Table Tennis, Throw-ball, Volleyball)

School level

Sr. Secondary School



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