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School Name: Brainworks Play School
Location: 32/37, Behind Roopa, Clinic Tiripur, Kongu Nagar, Tirupur , Tamil Nadu , 641605 , India , 641605, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: n/a
Email: n/a
website: n/a

Brainworks Play School

Brainworks Play School is a play school which is a famous chain of schools. The schools are located in different parts of the country. It is an English medium and co-educational school. The school caters to the educational needs of the little ones with the aim to develop them into better citizens of tomorrow.

Brainworks is a national chain of preschools that provides a world class learning environment and scientifically researched curriculum to maximize development of children during the early childhood years. Brainworks, believes in providing a rich, stimulating environment using an eclectic approach geared to match different learning styles in children and recent research on brain development.

The preschool follows a Brain Based learning methodology whereby regular stimulation is given to a child during the "windows of opportunity" which are the critical periods in a child's life when specific learning takes place. They also believe in creating an environment which encourages learning with all the five senses through which an infant's social, emotional, cognitive, physical and language development are stimulated during multi-sensory experiences.

Brain research within a nurturing environment is one of the main goals of Brainworks. The organization strives to enable children to develop their social, emotional, physical and academic skills resulting in a joy towards learning. Brainworks also aims to make parent participation an integral part of their academic program and to make each parent more knowledgeable about child development, behavior patterns and positive guidance techniques.

School level

Pre Primary Schools

School type

School Video