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School Name: Boys Town Public School
Location: boys town public school maharashtra, 422007, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
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Boys Town Public School


Boys' Town Public School was established in the year 1944 and is located on 15 acres of land in the centre of Nashik City. The school is divided into three distinct different schools (Nursery, Primary, Secondary) each school having its own Principal. The school syllabus is as per The Board of Secondary (S.S.C) Education Maharashtra State. (Nursery to 10th).

The School is dedicated to ensuring that children feel successful while acquiring the academic, social and emotional skills needed to be a model member of the community. This is done by concentrating on the child through dedicated and experienced teaching staff, and age-appropriate yet challenging curriculum.....

School level

Sr. Secondary School

School Video



Physical Development

Boys' Town has a vast area of play grounds for compulsory organized games such as cricket, football, hockey, basketball, baseball etc. They are played under the regular supervision of qualified coaches, specially appointed for the purpose.

Our football cricket hockey and handball teams have been successfully playing at taluka, district and zonal levels and have several times played matches at state level too

We are proud that some of our players have been selected at national level matches for cricket, football, hockey and handball. Importance is given to Athletics, Karate, Gymnastics and pyramids. Boys' Town has had a glorious past in sports and we are living up to that reputation. An ex student of Boys' Town, Mr. Madan, played hockey at Olympics. Mr. Nari Contractor, the well-known Captain of India, was also a student of Boys' Town Pubic School.



Cultural Development

In addition to academics and sports, importance is also given to Cultural activities. Our students participate and win prizes in all cultural activities organized by various social clubs and government institutions..

Children learn music for joy and pleasure. They learn to play Tabla, Harmonium and other Indian Instruments. The school also prepares children for devotional music that plays an important part in Boys' Town at prayer meeting in the form of Hyms, Bhajans, and Shlokas.

Every year Boys' Town celebrates Human Rights Day, Social Education Day, Birth and Death Anniversary Days of the Founder and Celebrities of our country, Wild Life Preservation Week, Republic Day, Independence Day, Small- Saving Week etc.



Mental Development

The school holds activities like Debates , Elocution, story-telling, recitation etc for Junior and Senior groups every month where in students are trained in public speaking.


Moral & Spiritual

The school, inculcate a thorough cosmopolitan outlook of a healthy nature, the ideas of great saints, prophets and world figures are impressed upon the students and the comparative study of religion is thus encouraged. The object is to imbibe moral values and a respect for higher principles and truthful living.

The daily assembly forms an integral part of value education at Boys' Town. The school has a unique assembly during which students recite prayers of all religion. Talks are given in the assembly alternatively by teachers and students on a variety of subjects about famous personalities, men of letters and great scientists.

Impromptu speeches by the students are also an integral part of the assembly programmes.