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School Name: Bishop George Nursery Primary English School
Location: 13, Kamla Nehru Road, 0, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-532-2606384, +91-532-2606155
Email: n/a
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Bishop George Nursery Primary English School

Children can start a nursery school or nursery class attached to a primary school from the age of three. Some nursery places are for a half-day (either a morning or an afternoon), others are for the whole school day.

Parents who would like a nursery place for their children should get in touch with the school preferred when the child reaches the age of two.  The actual age at which children can start will depend on the number of places available but will not be before the age of three.

Here, at our school we make the best outcomes of the infants and guide them towards a successful carrier. 

School level




School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video

The school would assess the applicants on a scale of 1 to 100 in the following manner:

(a) Under the neighbourhood head, an applicant staying within a radius of 3 kms will get the maximum of 20 points. Less weightage has been proportionately assigned to those living farther off, upto the distance of 10 km. from the school and no weightage be given for those living beyond that distance.

(b) A sibling will get 20 points.

(c) Under alumni category, if the father or mother is an alumni, 5 points each will be given and if both are alumni, 10 points will be given.

(d) Any child who is physically disabled or any child with special needs will get 5 points.

(e) Under educational qualification, a maximum of 20 points will be awarded depending on the parents’ level of qualification.

In the case of single parent weightage given for educational qualification will be doubled.

b) A girl child will get 5 points.

c) Under school specific parameters which the school will decide, 20 points will be given. The weightage under school specific parameters should, in no case, be used for any sort of interview or interactive session with parents/children.



The infrastructure and facilities are of a high order, making student life a truly international experience. Classrooms are spacious and well ventilated; interiors intelligently planned. We have a generously and imaginatively stocked library and a 760-seat air-conditioned auditorium. A cafeteria-cum-tuck shop offers well-balanced meals and between-meal treats.



Pre-primary activity room

Doll room

Art and craft room

Gym arena

Audio-Visual room

Ball room

Colourful classrooms

Dining room

Educational equipment/Toys room

Splash pool

Computer room

Sand Pit.