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School Name: Annie Besant School
Location: F Block, Sardhana, meerut, 250001, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: n/a

Annie Besant School

Annie Besant School is situated in the  NCR (National Capital Region) of Meerut.It is 75 kms from the International Airport, well connected through Road & Rail transport.

Annie Besant School was founded in 1979 at Meerut by Shri P.N Yadav under the Annie Besant School Society. The Society has been named after Dr. Annie Besant who worked for India’s regeneration. Dr. Besant was of the opinion that India can only be built well by removing her illiteracy. So she devoted her whole life to the improvement of social and educational conditions, opposing injustices through her writings. We cherish her ideals in the field of education.

School level

High School



School type

Private/ Public Schools

School Video