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School Name: Airport High School
Location: New Airport Colony, Old Hanuman Road, Near Western Express Highway, Next To Domestic Airport, Vile Parle East,, 400099, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone: 022 - 28320487, 022 - 28351355
Email: n/a
website: n/a
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Airport High School

Airport High School was established in the year 1961 and till then it has been providing excellent results and education. The school is affiliated to the Maharashtra State board and follows the curriculum provided by the school. This school is surrounded by the lush green area and a large playground is there in the middle of the school. This school has seev several golden moments in the board examinations because of their well qualified and experienced teaching Staff and members. This school is located in New Airport Colony in Vile Parle area of Mumbai. The school building is not so advance but the school knows the value of education for everyone. So it is aimed at providing the education to all to their best level and with the strength so that their students can be ready to face the existing challenges of the today's world with ease.

The school provides several classes like French Class Lab in their extra-curricular activity. The school is expanded in the large area and have all the latest facilities available at the major schools.

School level

High School


State Board

School Video

Admission in this school is open to all. The admission application should be filled and submitted to the director's office for seeking admission in this school. Whereas the school take admissions under the guidance of the state authorities and respective offices.

The school provides several facilities like-




Computer Lab

Indoor Gaming

Outdoor Gaming


Extra-Curricular Activities

Physical Training

and others

The school building is not so advanced but it's something which looks like a better school. The school building is large enough for their students and has a large campus with a playground in the center of the school building. Surrounded by the lush green environment all around, the school is all free from the pollution and have a clean and hygienic place to get educated.