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School Name: Air Force Children School Jaisalmer
Location: 28,Mohan Colony,Jaisalmer-345001, 345001, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India
Phone: +91-788-2324894, +91-788-2324895
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Air Force Children School Jaisalmer

Air Force Children School Jaisalmer is one of the many C.B.S.E. Schools in Jaisalmer where children of air force personnels study. This is one of the reputed schools in Jaisalmer that provides secondary and higher-secondary education to the students.

School level

Sr. Secondary School



School type


School Video

According to candidates Entrance Exam's performance

The school has three full-fledged laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which are well equipped and possess all the modern instruments and a Junior Science laboratory for the middle section

The school has a well stocked library with about 8000 volumes, 25 periodicals and 5 news papers, a mathematics laboratory with mathematics clinic, an up to date sports room, an envious audio-visual room and a well decorated drawing room, last but not the least important, the music room from where emanates melodious sounds of musical instruments and the chorus of children in unison adds to the glory of the institution.