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School Name: Adarsha Vidyalaya
Location: Sahakar Nagar, Section 3, Shell Colony, Chembur , 400071, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Phone: n/a
Email: n/a
website: n/a
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Adarsha Vidyalaya

Adarsha Vidyalaya is situated in the Sahakar Nagar area of Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra. The school is co-education school which was established in the year 1958 and being governed and managed by the 'Kerala Peoples Education Society(KPES)'. The school is an english medium school and is the only school which offers Tamil as a subject to class 7th and also offer Malayalam as a subject which is mentioned in the certificate of the SSC Examination too. The school has made english as a medium of conversation in the school campus. Apart from these languages, the school also teaches lessons of Urdu in the school. It's the one from such rare schools that taught such variety of subjects to their students.

This school is day boarding school adnd doesnot avail the services of residential stay. The school is known for their excellence in academic education and scored 100% results in their board exams. This school offers classes upto the SSC i.e. Class 10th and is affiliated to Maharashtra State Board.

School level

High School


State Board

School Video

Admission in this school is open to all. The admission application should be filled and submitted to the director's office for seeking admission in this school. Whereas the school take admissions under the guidance of the state authorities and respective offices.




Computer Lab

Indoor Gaming

Outdoor Gaming


Extra-Curricular Activities

Physical Training

and others

The school is rich in its infrastructure and building. This school has large classrooms and large playground inside the campus. The school provide a hygienic and healthy environment for the mutual growth of their students. Large halls for the indoor gaming with full ventilation and lighting are also available inside the campus for the students.